Issue 01

Lloyd captains newly promoted Premier League side AFC Bournemouth, commanding the back line and leading by example.
Whilst football has always set his soul on fire, Lloyd also has many other interests outside the game. This Bristol boy is incredibly proud of his roots, and talks to us about his life growing up in foster care, his relationship with trailblazer Cyrille Regis, and his hopes for other young people growing up in challenging circumstances.

Can we begin with you introducing us to your life, growing up in the foster system?
Growing up for me, you could say it was different to a lot of kids in that me, my younger brother, and my older sister started in the foster care system when I was around seven. There’s only a couple of years difference between the three of us. Luckily, we managed to stay together in that process, which was a blessing really because a lot of children in the foster care system tend to get split up. We were with our first family for about three to four years and then we were told we had to up and move into a different family. Throughout the span of 11 years or so, we were with three different families. It ended for me when I was 18. Legally, that’s when the foster care system stops, and you go out into the real world and live on your own. It was a different experience for all three of us. You can’t really say that it will affect all of us in the same way, it hasn’t. But yeah, that’s where my story comes from, and where I come from.
What was it like having to move foster placements?
It was an upheaval. I was so young; I didn’t really understand the situation that we were in. Obviously, we knew that we weren’t with my mum and that was difficult but having to pack up and leave every four years, I didn’t really understand it too much.
Read Lloyd's full interview in Issue 01 of Club71